What happened to the USS Cyclops?
Correct answer: Sailed into the "Devil’s Triangle" and vanished without a trace

magalicious, I think there is some sort of logical explanation or scientific theory as to why so many Airplanes go missing around the Bermuda Triangle. I would love to know.

why can't we all come together and go to that Bermuda triangle and look what's down below. what an adventure!

Check out the Drain the Ocean series on NatGeo channel. There's one on Bermuda Triangle and they solved three specific vanishing wrecks, 3 different causes, and likely what happened to others

There’s many extra strong currents in that area, coming from many different directions, ,they come to that point, so many miles, can carry many large objects to a far distance etc,! That’s a good part of the answers, very interesting area, I love documentaries about that area,,

If it were 11,000 tons of gold coins...it'd be found by now.

Manganese burns in an oxygen environment when in powder form. It also rust very quickly in water but has no other reaction with water. It is possible to the cargo was exposed to oxygen and ignited burning extremely hot and destroying the ship. Any combustible items that would normally be found after a ship sinks would most likely have burned to ash.

Why call the Bermuda Triangle the Devil’s Triangle? Not heard that before

alderaanic, that is simply because of the magnetic field of the volcanos surrounding the area, this disorients the compass and attracts the planes into the ocean.

magalicious, please count me in

magalicious, may I join you on Bermuda Journey????

I love to know about mystery of bermuda triangle. I read many articles and stories about bermuda triangle and I found out that many ships and aircraft sank in it. I think there must be a issues of weather and gravity in that area. because most of the aircraft sank because of weather issues. it's a big mystery and I dont know when will it solve. ppl didn't not try to find out about in nowadays, I wish I could find about it but there must be danger there that's ppl don't go there today

alderaanic, I to thought the same.

sandals ☢️⚠️
yet I think about sending a waterproof robot there to find out about the mystery

sandals ☢️⚠️
magalicious, good Idea, I would join then, but by the news in the recent years, our adventure could be dangerous

sandals ☢️⚠️
Bermuda triangle is a mystery which I too am trying to solve, people believe that there is a large magnet in the sea causing many tragic incidents like plane crashes, and the sinking ships. I am not really sure about the magnet fact given above but I -I would love to find out what lies underneath the ocean

Mona Dar , sounds ideal way to hide for tax evaion!

My father story to me that the water at Bermuda Triangle was very transparent and crystal clear! It's so mesmerizing!! He could tell me this because he once work as a crew member on the ship that transports cargo!! He gladly said that nothing happened to their ship when they cross the Bermuda Triangle!!! 😁

l knew it, bc l watching Be Amazed.

Melisa meldon☠️
magalicious, yea what an adventure

Aminah K9
Mona Dar , 😂

Aminah K9
Carmelle, so true 😂

Player #70325607
I love reading books,that's also an information

it is also said that there are many ships and planes that travelled along that way disappeared. so scary, what is really under the devil's triangle??

magalicious, no one is free like us 😅

I just saw a glims of every thing and picked the answer🤣🤣🤣at least I got it correct🥲

John, yes, I was wondering if the captain and crew had been made aware of these properties of manganese. It surely is a dangerous cargo for ocean transport.

longer answer 👍

the devil's triangle is also known as the Bermuda triangle

Too many young folks playing this game with silly ideas… lawdy!

it's an interesting mystery

if we all go to the Bermuda Triangle then the existence of humans will come to an end

Player #82223060
sorry 😞 I lost

alderaanic, Yes, it's a huge intersection in the Atlantic... more traffic more accidents.... on average somewhere in the world a ship the size of the Titanic or larger sinks... it is so common we don't even put it into the news unless there is a huge natural disaster.

Lots of ships and planes disappeared in the Bermuda triangle