Which song from Metallica is named after a novel written by Ernest Hemingway?
Correct answer: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Another great anti-war song of Metallica is 'One'. Watch the accompanying video if you can, it's chilling.

Wannabe Vulcan
Also popularized as the opening theme song from "Zombieland".

Mars V
Hemingway borrowed the title from a John Donne sermon. “Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.”

Byrde Alpha Bitch
RF10, For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on (what is it?)
(For whom the bell tolls)

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Roo, Absolutely! Metallica is an essential part of a Heavy Metal fan / Metal Heads!

Great Writer ,Sad ending ,l think his Granddaughter committed Suicide also. More money is really needed to study if there is a Gene in our DNA that causes us to become so depress and take our lives.
Some of these folks who took yheir lives erte mot short of money ,Fame ,Friends ,Lovers , etc ,uou named it they had it .or could get it .