Which of the following is a hypothetical subject that studies alien languages?
Correct answer: Xenolinguistics

The question is not only language. What makes us think that "they" will even have any human characteristics?

little b
I don't speak rhhyk

Xenophobia and xenolinguistics...

do aliens exist in real???

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Blinky, & Player #25874027, we do. Henry, we are. Lori, lighten up. It is possible that we already have learned an "alien" language or perhaps even languages. These ancient &/or "dead languages" may not have been human developments, could have been alien taught. Could be that all languages could represent different alien species. I love the realm of possibility combined with an open mind & vivid overactive imagination! The color of the sky in my world is plaid & yes, I am waiting for my mother ship! Everything said & done is subject to interpretation.

Blinky, you never know they might be already living with us.

Braniacs, to think that someone came up with a name for this 'hypothetical' job

I love alians

Player #25874027
Spooky, Will they have any characteristics at all that we can recognise?

Vanessa, That's how I got it too.