Which religion prevails in Bulgaria?

Correct answer: Christianity

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Tina's twin
Tina's twin
I agree. tho it saddens me greatly, I must admit that in the U.S. we have militant Christians bombing clinics. it seems that the militants or radicals of any religion that seem to cause problems everywhere.
Calabtangan'  Boyoyong
Calabtangan' Boyoyong
Rey, how about the bloody crusades?
Paul Steadman
Paul Steadman
Rey, Hmmm.... there have been a lot of wars betweem christians notable protestants and catholics and also in history of christians murdering "non-believers" in the name of god. I agree that Christianity, like Islam by the way, preaches kindness and love for many of its believers but some believers have other interpretations of the bibles teachings.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
• RSVP78 & TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, What about Christianity, throughout history, have killed people for not converting or how about the Crusades or The Spanish Inquisition or The Salem Witch Trials, etc.? Is that the love & kindness yall speak of? That sure isn't the meaning in my "Pagan" faith. ISIS uses a twisted form of Islam to tell themselves that what they are doung is right. Islam, on its own, is like most religions, peaceful. There are good times & bad times in all faiths/beliefs/religions/spiritualities/mythologies/etc. Facts are Facts own up to them! There are some fanatical branches in many religions, but it's what they believe & everyone should have that right as a human being. No One is better or worse than any other. Those of us not of this world, keep watching, keep waiting, the mother ship is coming.