"Kalym" is a fee paid for what?
Correct answer: Bride

Michael McL....
women need to fight for the right to marry who ever they love. still in many countries women are treated like livestock.

A similar practice in the African culture is called "lobola". It sometimes takes years for the potential bridegroom to save up to pay the bride's parents.

Player Jellybean, I once had a cat named Jellybean.

CyanJaguar62, individual rights granted by god are already protected in the constitution, your ideas about wage inequality are based in fallacy which has been disproven time and time again. After accounting for hours worked, experience, actual professional and desire of the employed, women often make more than men in some professions and are similar in most others. Roe was overturned because it was unconstitutional, it’s strange that you want the constitution to enshrine “women’s rights” but do not support the constitution when it comes to Roe

Player #53553731, Where do women have equal rights? Certainly not in the US where we earn less than men for equal work , the Equal Rights Amendment still has not passed, and Roe was overturned. Maybe Denmark or Sweden?

Traditons: Peer pressure by dead people.

Well, I misread this answer as "bribe" and hit it at random - so I got it right but was totally wrong! 🤣

On a lighter note, you would think that the amount of the kalym would not be higher for a university graduate, but for a young lady who was known to be a good cook and also a good housekeeper!

I thought the fee paid for a bride was called marriage, lol