When are children considered "latchkey kids"?
Correct answer: When they care for themselves after the school

I was a latchkey kid and loved my childhood very much, guess I. was lucky growing up in the 70's.

such as when both parents worked.
So two answers could be considered correct.

Player #73983911
Curmudgeon, probably one of the lucky ones. Bless you!

little b
i didn't look after myself after school while I was a little child 😅

When I was a kid, my mother went to work full time when I was in 6th grade. My brother 4th grade, my sister 2nd grade. We never heard of the term latchkey. No one in our small midwestern town ever locked their houses. We all just came home from school, got ourselves a snack and watched TV, or we met up with friends at their houses. No adults ever worried about us, and we didn’t worry either. It was normal for almost everyone. We had perfectly normal lives and grew up well adjusted. But maybe we were lucky for the times and our midwestern values and lifestyles.

I was a latch key kid in the early-mid 60's, don't ever remember having a babysitter

Byrde Alpha Bitch
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, No, Cookie Bean is correct. If you had a parent at home after school with you, then you would not be considered a "Latchkey Kid".

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Curmudgeon, I concur with your statement, however, some of the negatives are also present in this "Latchkey Kid". Guess I got the good & the bad in equal parts, which honestly, explains a lot LOL.

Tina M.
Cookie Bean, I think that was obvious. I don't think we need to be picky about some obvious options.