What is the name of the Native American talisman used to guard against nightmares?

Correct answer: Dreamcatcher

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
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There is much good to be learned from Natives. So horrible we destroyed their culture and livelihoods.
I have a few of these talismans and they work. They are hanging by my bedroom door ..I haven't had a bad dream since I hung them up. I respect all tribes of Native Americans. My daughter's boyfriend is a Mohawk descendent.
I grew up in Wisconsin. We have a rich Native American heritage. I fact many of the cities are tribal names. When I was a child the schools taught us a great deal of Native American culture and I have a natural reverence for the people. I was privileged to meet a number of them as a child when we vacationed in northern Wisconsin near Minocqua. I have incorporated dreamcatchers in my home for decades.
Player #8935018
Player #8935018
Player Say what!?, Indeed! A genocide if ever there was one! And we deride so many for the same.🥺
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
We grew up on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation federally recognized Sicangu Oyate – also known as Sicangu Lakota, and the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, a branch of the Lakota people immersed in the culture, catchers were abundant.
Prilala, get one!
Mrs T
Mrs T
I love you so much and I love this game so much
little b
little b
I use a dreamcatcher
I’ve had a dream catcher for quite a while, even though I don’t dream, unfortunately I have sleep apnea and don’t get into the deep sleep, but I just love having these beautiful dream catchers
Player #37274948
Player #37274948
I like the culture on the native American, the dream-catcher is a very interesting fact.