Who was the last English monarch belonging to the House of Tudor?
Correct answer: Elizabeth I

Our history is steeped in scandal , intrigue, facination, paranoia, and much more during the tudor period. Maybe Elizabeth wanted to end the blood line, as she didn't want another father like Henry VIII

My understanding is that Elizabeth didn't marry because she wanted to avoid another country gaining the power that would come to them from marrying her. She was protecting England from undue foreign influence.

Raphus, I can understand why she might have felt that way. So much horrors connected with those royals.

Player #125843019
Lionessa, that was the consensus, as the king would control her beloved England, and when she died England was the richest and most powerful country in the world, where have we gone wrong.

The Chaser
This was a question on GSN’s Master Minds. Ken Jennings answered it correctly. For some reason that has been stuck in my head, and today it finally paid off!

Raphus, Elizabeth revered her father but detested extremism both Protestant and Catholic. Her child bearing years were spent maintaining "the middle way" for her country and people, declining marriage proposals from Catholic princes and Protestants so that the delicate balance did not slide into war. By the time if the Spanish Armada in 1588, when diplomatic relations with Spain had deteriorated beyond hope, she was past the age for having children

{[Right ANSWER ]}

Player #125843019
Lorraine , who murdered Andrew?

guessed it right 👍

PerkyLin, and in recent history the murder of Diana, and Prince Andrew royalty is corrupt

Fredrico, You're behind the times!

lolirock and anime lover
it so sad she died😢