Which is the world's favorite number according to British scientists?
Correct answer: 7

super fantastic
why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9. :)

The number 7 is considered lucky 🍀 that’s why it’s so popular

my fave no. is also 7! coz i was born on 7-7-77... for real! 😊

Mary Kowalski
I like 13 born on 13-Easter Sunday, Fri 13 usually lucky for me.

Mary Kowalski, I like number 13 too , usually a good day for me

Player Bengal Mama
Mary Kowalski, My husband and I married on Friday the 13th. 43years ago, must've done something right.

Mine is 13 also... there was a time when everything added up to 13... my address, zip, phone etc. Go figure lol.

Okie Razorback
Mary Kowalski, My daughter was born on Nov 13 and she doesn't appreciate anyone badmouthing Friday 13, usually a good day for both of us.

Mars V
Seven Costanza

K8, I have the same relationship with 19.

I wonder if these surveys weren’t primarily conducted without taking China, the world’s most populated country into account. 8 is by far considered the luckiest number in most Far East Asian countries, especially China, where, I’ve read, women program their child’s births to fall on the 8th of the month and houses that are at an address with number 8 are more expensive because more in demand.

TnBaby, that's amazing

Does it matter? Lol my lucky number is supposed to be 6 does that mean all other numbers are unlucky for me?

one is the loneliest number.

super fantastic,
6 afraid of 7 because it is registered as s__ offender

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Mary Kowalski, 13 is also one of my lucky numbers. Had my 13th birthday on a Friday the 13th, had my death & resurrection open heart surgery on the 13th, I could go on & on but I will stop now.

Player #28825483, in Spirituality 7 is considered Deeply Sacred 🤔 ❤️

Google " Charles Fleischer, moleeds" for one of the best (only?) comedy bits about the number 7. You're welcome. 😁

Mary Kowalski
super fantastic, Love it!