Which of the following birds has a sense of rhythm?
Correct answer: Parrot

Anna J
Birds are interesting and beautiful, that's for sure.

This ability was recently discovered in rats as well. Animals are groovy :)

Player #25874027
Waiting for “Strictly Parrot “

J Blue
Snowball is a favorite of mine. Gr8 & amazing YouTube videos!

My Green Wing Macaw loves music, dances and sings along!

My Umbrella Cockatoo loves to do the Chicken Dance with me!

Cap’n Patch
KittyA9, I had a cockatiel that could whistle the tune for the Andy Griffith show and could dance to it while he was whistling!

Maybe Snowball just was a Backstreet Boys fan? Did they test Snowball on other artists music??

George was our cockatoo. He love 2 dance.

Why are humans so arrogant in nature that we constantly believe that other creatures cannot have traits just like our own???

I've seen a couple of pigeons that looked like they were dancing.

john, apparently birds and some other animals actually have more rhythm than a lot of us humans now i guess that i'll be judged and shamed on my dance move even more now since birds 🐦 are climbing up the rhythm and blues dance charts hahaha 😆 😂

I like parrot🦜 so beautiful✨❤

Globular Martian
Horses are also capable of rhythm, that's obvious when watching musical dressage.

and i have 2 left feet....lol

B Dog
My favorite part of owning birds was getting them to do the Birdie Dance 😂

Byrde Alpha Bitch
friend, This Byrde loves a good Mosh Pit!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Matthew, Groovy is definitely the most appropriate term for sure!

Player #31753367
Monty Python would not agree..

seanieG eire/kreta
Anna J, yes even the feathered variety 😂

Player #50737572, hear, hear