The surgeon who removed his own infected appendix was from which country?
Correct answer: USSR

Using only local anesthesia! How did he not pass out from the pain?

amazing ... this quiz rocks!!!! merci muchos!!!!

Blinky, There are limited pain receptors in the abdomen. Once the skin and abdominal muscles were numbed the pain would not have been great. But I would like to hear this Doctor's review of the pain/discomfort.
Today, in good conditions, there are still operations on the brain and limbs without a general.

I picked USSR because I figured they would have that kinda guts/strength to do that. ouch

Player #42677098, love the informations provided in this game

Ed dema
I had a hernia repair without general attention Stanford hospital. It was a trust issue. Later I had a kidney stone removed under general r
and sure enough they coded me for respiratory arrest. Of course they tried to blame me…

Blinky, local anesthesia blocks the pain. that's what doctor's use when suturing up a cut and dentists use to work or your teeth.

Didnt know the answer but the moment I saw USSR I didn’t hesitate. Russians are a whole type of species

Blinky, Bottle of Vodka?

people who did north korea do you even knew who were the president that time

me for now
Blinky, he's Russian! ha! plus I'm sure the novocaine helped. 😁

Smarty 🤓
which country is the USSR bruh

Noon, Now called Russia, it's original name.

Blinky, he nearly passed out a couple/few times and eventually didn’t use the mirror bc it wasn’t helping. He had to explain things to the guys helping him just in case he did pass out.

Fredrico, -- I can't even do that !!

how brave a person who can do that! put himself in danger!

Tina Luk
Why did so many people get it wrong, am I the only one with any sense!

Republic of China
It is amazing how he removed his own appendix