As of 2021 what is the largest pizza chain in the world?
Correct answer: Domino's

toothless beachrat
The explanation mentions fast delivery times. Does anyone remember when Dominos had the "30 minutes or it's free" rule? A friend of mine did deliveries in my town and made sure he always arrived so I never had to pay!

Player #25874027, There are many degrees of thin crust. From cracker thin to a more robust hand tossed. And, not all deep dish pizzas are made well.

Player #25874027
Nasty thin things .
Give me a deep pan any day of

toothless beachrat
Domino's also had a deal (quietly) that if you presented 10 label pieces from their boxes your pizza was free.

Unreal Neil.
toothless beachrat, Very clever.

Blech! Give me Pizza Hut any day. Though the best puzza is made by my husband ;)

Player Don1
Originally based in Ann Arbor Michigan.

I don't know why , their pizza is the worst of all fast food pizzas .

Mars V
I haven’t had Domino’s since college in the 80s. I assume they’ve improved since they’re still around.

Yana, yes, and it means different things in different places. some are thick crust with toppings and some are thin crust with like an inch of toppings like in chicago at Giordanos

When I was going to school in St. John's, their pizza was the worst 😫, way to many spices but when I moved back to town, it has dramatically changed. Now it's not as spicy and the toppings are so much better and I always get a side order of donair sauce to dip my slice into. By God, it is the best pizza I have ever eaten 😋 😍.

Player Don1, Truely made in Michigan, but Buddy's is the Best Michigan pizza ever. No, I don't work there. I eat there, yum.