What happens to honeybees after stinging?
Correct answer: They die

Be weary, No bees, no pollination, no food.

Honey bee is a tiny little insect. But their contribution to the planet earth is Massive. Please don't take their honey away. Their survival is very important

Player #49738746, Yes indeed. How deep and wonderful God's creation is.

Player Say what!?
I used to have big fat and furry bumblebees in my backyard pollinating my flowers. Haven't seen any in quite a few years. 😞

Good. Bees hurt. But I would much rather be stung by a bee than a wasp.

All stinging bees are female, as the stinger is a modified ovipositor. Males don't have one, and cannot sting.

Player Say what!?, I plant flowers bees like. I have insect and bee hotels where they can rest, I get bees and butterflies.

Precisely Stefan, the point I was going to make.

Player #49738746
God created the world and everything in it, therefore no evolutionary standpoint.