In which country is the city of Kandahar?
Correct answer: Afghanistan

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, there will never be peace there because Afghanistan being unstable is beneficial to the “peacemakers”. The country’s strategic location and its natural resources are a curse for its people.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Rosie-knees, Bad Form, How Rude & Judgmental!

Player #48668296, The ancient Buddha statue was in Bamyan province of Afghanistan. Alexander the Great took a wife from there.

Ramana Venkata
kandahar original name gandhara,it is part of India ,and one of the shodasamahajanapadas in 500BC of India, Gandhaari,the princes was married to dhuryodhana,son of kourava dynasty during Mahabharata time

Flutterby, well I mean it's not his money that's why he keeps more money we don't have and gives it to the Ukraine. sometimes I wish everyone we owed money to would demand payments. we wouldn't have to worry because old Joe would just have it made