Which of these years in Gregorian calendar is a leap year with 366 days?

Correct answer: 2000 AD

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
This was one of the risks with the "millennium bug" where some programmers had wrongly thought 2000 wouldn't be a leap year. The more obvious risk was the 2-digit year not being handled correctly. People would argue that the bug was largely over-hyped by the media (typical of the media) but there was a lot of work done up front to make sure it didn't happen. As it happens, one of my non-critical systems had an issue with a 2-digit year bug.
I am not a number., Yep, we worked for 3 years prior to 2000 to get everything sorted so that January 1 2000 ticked over without a hitch. I hate to think of the chaos if we hadn't done all of that work! (Mind you, the world wouldn't have ended lol)
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
rafter, if I'm both not a number and a number then I must be the √-1
SOS, i worked for a major telecommunications company at the time. You wouldn’t have been able to make a call because (on our network anyway) because of the y2k thing. We tested it in the lab and it all crashed horribly. Spent a lot of time and effort to turn it into a non-issue.
Player #62752956
Player #62752956
Cookie Bean, or go to the Wikipedia page for leap year…
Mike T
Mike T
I never realised this. Interesting information.