What famous person said “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” referring to the Berlin Wall?
Correct answer: President Ronald Reagan

RSVP78, agree look at what's happening in Ukraine.

Player #33161631
RSVP78, if Hitler hadn't decided to attack Russia, then they wouldn't have been on our side and WW2 may have had a different outcome, with two tyrants, Stalin and Hitler, ruling all of Europe. "my enemy's enemy is my friend" in war, no matter how much we detest them too.

Mars V
Rey, Don’t hate the Russians. I would not want to be judged based on the actions of the US government.

Giggle pig
Curmudgeon, now, THAT’S a President!

Player #31753367
Player #33161631, Gosh, and if the Snow had not been so heavy..What..if and ?? Had 'they' not gone towards Russia further battles would have raged in Western Europe. When Will we draw a Line ?

Player #31753367
Arabella, Interesting comments. I recall visiting Moscow and Germany around 1976 ..How things have changed. I believe many in the Western World just do not comprehended how significant things were.

We lived in DDR Kleinmachnow just south of US Zehlendorf 25 years after the wall came down. There were still trenches, roads interrupted so long after the event. Our girls went to a private school that used spy buildings!!!

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, could’t agree more, well said