Which animal was introduced to New Zealand to control rabbits, but now is a major threat to the native birds?
Correct answer: Stoat

I've never heard of stoats or mustelids. Guess I'll have to go to Google for a pic and description.

Rai, stoat, ferret, mink, mongoose all voracious predictors and introduced into new environments, normally to control rodents, rabbits.. normally to catastrophic effect for the indigenous wildlife. Hawaii, for example, did a similar thing. Bird life is normally hit hardest.

So cruel and mean to kill the poor stoat. Man introduced them to a foreign land, and now man kills them. Poor animals

little b
my old ex Michael Clark went to New Zealand

what's a stoat

Rai, me either I had to google it too to see what they look like

Globular Martian
Same thing happened in the UK when the American Mink was introduced by the fur trade. Escapees had a massive impact on the UK wildlife.

Looks like a ferret or mink.

Dylan M
Nice finally stumped me.
Looks like a ferret on google.

Rai, I think they are known as short-tailed weasels in most placed, in the UK they are called stoats

Horrible things, the native fauna would thrive so much better if Europeans had never introduced the rabbit in the 1st place.
In Australia the Europeans introduced foxes to control rabbits...
Feral cats are a problem too... not native to Australia or NZ either.

Rai, I was just thinking the same thing.