How long is a cosmic year?
Correct answer: 230 million earth years

Player #50737572, It is explained in answer description: the sun is travelling in a circle (ellipse) around the galactic centre at a speed of 'v', the distance the sun has to travel is 2*pi*r. The time, period of revolution, is 'd/v' or '2*pi*r/v'.
'v', 'r' can be determined by red shift of several cosmic bodies giving both distance, speed and direction relative to these bodies.
Really, what do they teach in school today ; )

With quantum physics, everything is happening simultaneously...past present and future all at once...time is a human perception but it doesn't exist. This is very hard to fathom because our existence is in 3D.

... and to say whether the sun is 20 cosmic years old or 6 millennia old has often been debated. Both viewpoints are hard to fathom.

Just as I thought! Brilliant!

so we are travelling at 230 km/s. i don't need a hypercar then

Tom, Not this, that's for sure. 🤣

Tom, Im pretty sure that between the explanation in the answer to the question and your calculation, my brain has melted!!! WOW!

folks at NASA love their trillions and billions, don't they?! nobody can even fathom those.. helps to confuse people and hide the true nature of the universe. the earth is and will always be flat and stationary

Met Me
I would think I would never learn such datum even in half such length of time!

Wow I study sci but I dislike science everyone know

pro goyal child
can anyone explain 🤔 me

...well the James Webb has changed all of that.

Centenarian, WHAAAA?!!? (🤔😉)

My best friend is a fan of Space. She wish to be an astronaut in the future and so I pray for her but.

Centenarian, you had my brain exploding at the 230 million years for the Sun to orbit round the Milky Way….I don’t dare even TRY to fathom simultaneous time…my head hurts!

TestyAlien3443, Actually, the age of the universe has been adjusted to being closer to 13.8 billion years old.

Tom, Ideally school should teach basics, facts, STEM, and not fanciful theories without other perspectives. To say for certain the Big Bang happened 15 billion years ago, and from it order was randomly made from chaos is I think #50737572's question.