Which of the following is not a type of temperament?
Correct answer: Alcoholic

toe jam
my dad is a workaholic. he started working on construction sites at the age of 8 years old. In the late 1939 the boss would tell him if he wanted to keep working he would have to work like a man, not like a little boy not he would have to leave. he needed to work to help support the family because his father abandoned them. back then child labor laws were not enforced. he developed his work ethic at an early age.

toe jam, where in the choice of answers does WORKAHOLIC appear. ALCOHOLIC IS NOT WORKAHOLIC.

I would like a drink 🍸!

Giggle pig
toe jam, I do respect extremely hard work ethics. More people should; instead, people want to respect and idolize people who superhuman tricks like catching, throwing or kicking a ball. I myself remember stacking bricks up to seven and carrying them up to my dad who was a brickmason. I could only carry seven because that was the distance between the tips of my fingers and my chin. I remember wanting so much to be able to use the brick tongs, but I wasn’t big enough.

STEVE69, the answer describes workaholic but the correct choice is alcoholic. Shouldn’t that be the description?

Player #137542988
toe jam, That is sad, but good also he developed a strong work ethic.

Player #120374466
toe jam, Your father must be in his late 80s. And still a workaholic? I wish him many more productive years.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
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