Who said, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve"?
Correct answer: Isoroku Yamamoto

china indeed is a sleeping giant and she has awoken."taiwan"

Napoleon was a Prophet when he said this, we all better learn Mandarin Chinese quick because the Communist party of China is close to taking over the world without even firing serious artillery at the US yet!!!

Rob Choutka
Rey, The USA did NOT destroy Japan save for a few cities.
What they DID do is rebuild Japan so it became the successful country it is today.

Rob Choutka, so true Ray. The USofA stopped the war saving countless lives of all nationalities. After the war ended the USofA used its own money to rebuild Japan

Player #31753367
GMG, Sadly, I agree. Many years ago in UK my Elders would often say Beware the Yellow Peril ( no racial rudeness intended)

dadiyo, so did Japan and the best thing the USA did show the world not to mess with us and this happened way before I was born, but my mom and my dad were alive when this happened and they knew the consequences of war just like I

Rob Choutka, when was the last time u checked yourself? they killed thousands

Jg, terrifying

He had so infamously said it right after the epic and historic surprise attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor that occurred on the 7th of December, 1941, that drew the United States into the Second World War.

Know More!
• Isoroku Yamamoto, Japan's mastermind of the Pearl Harbor attack, is born.
• Isoroku Yamamoto, perhaps Japan's greatest strategist and the officer who would contrive the surprise air attack on U.S. naval forces at Pearl Harbor, is born on April 4, 1884.

do 580 089 348 have a great impression

So if it's in a movie it's a fact?

Player #31753367, The Yellow Peril alright. Time will tell