What disease does rock star Ozzy Osbourne have?
Correct answer: Parkinson's

he sounds a bit like Billy Connolly who was diagnosed with it some years ago! poor old Bill, must be very frustrating this condition

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Knodel1958, One can use foul language & still have a heart of gold.

baymax, it is a horrible condition. My mother had it and became so disabled at the end

Player #25874027
I have read that Black Sabbath are considered the first exponents, and founders of Heavy Metal .
Not my favoured genre so I can’t say if anybody pre-dates them

Player Say what!?
ang, What gives with all the capital letters? Don't believe all you hear. I'm not a fan, but I've seen enough episodes of their reality show to make my own judgement that she is a kind lady.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #25874027, as a hardcore, old-school headbanger, I think if they weren't THE first, they were close enough (pre-metal bands like Led Zeppelin notwithstanding). \m/

Sherry from Ottawa
Colander cancer spelled incorrectly. Believe it should be "colon"

Fredrico, apparently they said he bit the head off of a bat.

Player #82472393
Player #25874027, Hail the prince of darkness he will live forever in hearts 💘

Saw him perform at the Download festival, brilliant