What makes the Shrike unusual?
Correct answer: It impales its prey on thorns or any available sharp point

Knodel1958, I saw a lizard impaled on a thorn in my front yard in the desert. I knew about this behavior but it was startling to see it.

Wish they’d come to my house and eat all the Locusts that devour my plants!

We have butcher birds in Australia that do the same thing. Not sure if they are part of the Shrike Family.

Jonesy, I wish they had said where the bird is native to in the answer.

Globular Martian
Lillian, I lived on the Wirral, UK. I used to see grasshoppers impaled on gorze bushes. I always thought it was local lads being cruel. Since then I've discovered it was the Shrike. Sadly, these birds are now an endangered species.

Julia, further on the Wikipedia article says Most shrike species have a Eurasian and African distribution, with just two breeding in North America (the loggerhead and northern shrikes). No members of this family occur in South America or Australia, although one species reaches New Guinea.

B Dog
Yet again I get to thank Star Trek for an obscure trivium! (ST: Picard, the “big bad” for season 3 was an alien vessel named the Shrike)

Julia, North America.

Julia, maybe Google it.