What was the orange colour called in English before the late 15th century?
Correct answer: Yellow-red

Pompom 2
I like oranges!

Still there is no word that rhymes precisely with "orange", although "courage" comes close!

little b
i dont like the colour yellow and orange 🍊

Alex Stavi, not from Portugal, but from the arabic for orange: burtuqal

calicot, what about instead of yellow for limon or red for apple and so on....

Alex Stavi, also in Arabic is burtoghal

calicot, -wonder how they named orange orange

calicot, so they named the colour orange after the orange but i do wo

It’s The Dragon
Smack-dab in the middle!!!

Alex Stavi
the fruit, in romanian language, is "portocală" ; the color is "portocaliu" . So we, romanians, imported the term from Portugal