What is the normal position of a baby while in utero at the time of delivery?
Correct answer: Head down

Player #55968138
it only proves how strong women are!!!

Player #68358118
RSVP78, Yes let appreciate women because it's not easy 9 months journey

My son was face up instead of face down so I did have back labor. I had injured my back 2 years prior and the back labor put everything in place. No more back pain.

Shelby Johnson
My 1st child(son) was 9lbs 1 oz 22 in long. Dr had to use a vacuum to help him out! Popped every blood vessel in my face pushing before they said "Nope! We need to help her" lol he was a cone head for like a year after he was born. lol

the pic helped.

My third child got his one shoulder stuck on way out, if I remember it’s called “shoulder dispraxia” not sure if spelled correctly but it wasn’t easy and I needed help


HEIDI, I had back labor with my 1st son, he was face up not face down, plus he had one arm up and was 8lb11oz. Labor took 18 hours starting at 5 minutes apart after being induced. Had "normal" deliveries with the next 2.

Player #14000764
Alexandra, that was blessing for you, your baby's birth help your back and no more pain. Little sweetie must have known, that he loves Mom and going to help her.

HEIDI, years ago I had back labor for my middle child it was horrible.