Who is the oldest still living person as of 24 March 2022, as confirmed by Wikipedia?
Correct answer: Kane Tanaka

Good on her !!!!! My Mam is almost 101 !!!!!

The poor lady has died as relayed by BBC world news yesterday

Janet, my grandmother lived till she was 103 and my other grandma lived till she was 99, so I suppose you could say longevity runs in the family. tho this is remarkable... I hope she does make it to 120... go for it girl!!

Cookie Bean, nah me neither, I don't want to be that old... all those bones aching all the time! no thank you!!

I was so hoping that she made it to 120 years, but sadly, according to Wikipedia, she passed away on April 19th, 2022, at the age of 119 years, 107 days. That's still incredible!

incredible life, imagine seeing the first Auto and Airplane and then seeing people walk on the Moon WOW!

Victoria, I am 81 and still going strong so don't quit at that age.

Player #83925953
HAL 9000, you missed the question. Indira said that this was reported after the question above. The catch is "As of March 2022".

Cat Cha
Jeanne Calment lived 122 years+

Phoenix, Oh, I had not heard about her passing, she al.ost made it

Victoria, lol ill ask you again when you are 70 😉

Mars V
When students where I teach cite Wikipedia, they get a zero and detention.

Mars V
Confirmed by Wikipedia! Most impressive!!

Indira, , wow,,am I the only person who does not want to live that long? . 80, would be,a good choice for me,.

Indira, she unfortunately did not make the 120 yr mark of her wish. RIP

Janet, mam is a Geordie word 😋

HAL 9000, she has died SINCE this quiz was developed 😡