Where does the "cat-fox" live?
Correct answer: French island of Corsica

"feral domestic"? Isn't that a contradiction?

Player #25874027, hoping it's not dead and guess we'll not ever know?

Ali *Regulus* Mirza
"...a previously unknown cat species..."!? Makes me wonder why—if they had already correctly identified it as a cat—did they choose to call it a "cat-fox", and not a "fox-cat". Or, is that, perchance, the result of a too-literal translation into English?

footnie55, just looks like a sleeping cat to me.

No matter what it is, it's beautiful

l don't see anything special about it. it looks a lot like my cat.

Lynette, the meaning of feral is a domesticated animal that lives in the wild. A wild animal is not domesticated.

Lynette, like jumbo shrimp, lol

Lynette, no because feral literally means domestic gone wild 👍🏻

Jen, It’s not dead, they would have showed a picture of one, not a dead one.

Demon slayer
The long answers are usually the correct ones

Mars V
Again, the longest answer…

Red England
I had to go back n look at photo after reading some people’s comments about it being dead 🥲 I’d assumed it was asleep - if u look carefully this cat is wearing a collar & looks as though it is just sleeping

Lynette, it means a normal domestic cat that escaped into the wild and bred succesfully

it was dead

footnie55, then don’t think about it

So easy, I love cats and know all about them

Hate to think about it, but the one in the picture looks dead. Hope I'm mistaken. Not that I'll ever know, or see this again... Nature of this game.