Why is monosodium glutamate (MSG) added to food?
Correct answer: To enhance flavor

Player #5526107, not all chemical is bad for our bodies. Just because it's chemical, doesn't mean unhealthy, vice versa with the natural.
The thing about chemical and natural is just an advertisement play by the industries.

I guess anybody can say anything and people will believe it! Your body breaks everything you eat down into different chemicals. Read a college nutrition book!

I was told msg softens tough meat. what happens inside your body? It's a no-no for me.

Player #120374466
From what I understand is that MSG is not a synthetic chemical. But it is an extract from a food source. Some people are allergic to it, but I wouldn't say it's a dangerous additive

chunk, from the Scorpions?

Michael schenker group MSG

Mars V
Get extra MSG!

can anyone explain why it's called umami when it's simply savoury?

Jake and the Bluesman
great stuff, unless u'r allergic to it.

Player #29684811, couldn’t have said it better myself!!

Player #29152846
Not a good thing to ingest. Stick to whole foods like those you can pick off a tree or grow in a garden. Since this world has started spraying foods with pesticides, adding things like MSG, so much more disease.