Where was explorer Ferdinand Magellan born?
Correct answer: Portugal

three correct
four wrong

The last name for Juan Sebastian was Elcano, not del Cano

stan the man
Philippine Joke: Who killed Magellan? That was Lapu Lapu (a tribal king).
And who killed Lapu Lapu?
That is the chef in the kitchen.
(Lapu Lapu is also the name given to a grouper fish, usually landed alive to keep its value).

Player #121204467
Yes, Fernão de Magalhães, in portuguese.

Player #53553731, According to Antonio Pigafetta, one of Magallanes subordinates, Datu Lapu-Lapu did not kill Magallanes. He received a poison dart from one of Lapu-Lapu's Native Warriors

by the name i guest that he would be either from Spain or Portugal i choose spain unfortunately