Where did Lady Godiva famously ride her horse naked, to protest over taxes her husband implemented?
Correct answer: Coventry City

It was a brave thing for a woman to do in those days and few of the wealthy cared anything for the welfare of the "lower classes" supporting them. Good for her!

Player #25874027
The story is that those on whose behalf she was making her protest turned their backs except Thomas .
If he went blind it was probably from a different cause

CyanJaguar62, It would still be brave to do today.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Dayrell, "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend" - James Stewart - "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", (1962) That quote actually holds up throughout the entirety of history in any & all facets.

Republic of China
calicot, She did that to protest, lol. She protested in a weird way and we know that they would see