As of 2022, what is the least visited country in the world?
Correct answer: Tuvalu

Wow. Gotta visit before they disappear!!!

Player #22506154
Player #90217926, CO2 is essential to life on land & in the oceans, and has nothing to do with global warming. The science on this could not be more clear…but science ain’t what it used to be; now corrupted by money & politics. Don’t go by who is most persuasive, read for yourself & recall that Al Gore, that great fraud, said that ALL of the Arctic’s ice would be gone by 2013…yep, still there.

YES theory visited this place and it's the first time i've heard about it! Very cool

Player #90217926
Theo, or we could all get serious about global warming which causes glaciers to melt and rising ocean levels. We each need to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint.

Player #90217926, There is also a completely natural flow of Climate warming and cooling. How about we start by correcting the pollution and plant more trees especially in areas we have already decimated. Start with Redwoods

Visited there when my partner was working there helping with tax
The ocean will cover the atoll one day soon. Already coconut trees are dying due to the salty waters
Snorkeling is great, the corals are beautiful

Curious travellers will probably mess up this unique place!

we need to join other nations that are doing things to actually reverse global warming, like planting land that lies dormant for 3/4 of the year, not taking in co2 and providing oxygen. using the it cost to much excuse doesn't get it done

I’d love to visit there before it’s under the ocean like Venice and other places.

Barb@71, actually start with weed trees!

Player #90217926, global warming is a scam. Waters haven’t changed in hundreds of years

"Fun Fact":
If you enjoy visiting any website with a suffix of ".TV"; you can thank Tuvalu (for leasing its domain name).

Player #90217926, put up a sun screen to cool down the sun.

DaveS, Bikini is part of the Marshall Islands.

It’s reported to be the most radioactive place on earth…. After WW2 the USA used the islands in particular Bikini Island to test nuclear bombs. Stay away!!

ProudCanadian, No. Season 1 of Survival was filmed in Borneo, Malaysia.

I'd love to snorkel there!

I believe one season of Survivor was filmed on Tuvalu.