What disease caused Bruce Willis to retire from acting?
Correct answer: Aphasia

It’s impressive that this question is incorporated in the game! This information is only a week ago

he has always an will always be one of my all time favorit men

did he have a Stroke or Something? I never knew that. I like Bruce Willis that is too bad. he was a Sensational Actor.

Aphasia has nothing to do with understanding the spoken word. It has to do with speaking in understandable speech. He can understand just fine. In fact, he may or may not think the words coming out are intelligible or not.
Also, it is USUALLY caused by stroke or brain injury. They initially stated that he did not have a stroke. There are many other reasons that can cause aphasia.

So sad 😞 he is one of my favorite

Ray C
I never knew this. Hang in there Bruce, I literally watched your movies last night! Thank you for sharing your talent and life with us.

He has since been diagnosed with Dementia

Player Bengal Mama
Rey, Stallone can't touch him as an actor or a person.

Curmudgeon, she/he frequently likes to take shots at just about anything or anyone from the USA.

Aphasia is a sign, not a disease

Johnjacobjingleheimer, Aphasia is a language disorder that makes it difficult to understand or express language due to brain damage: Definition
Aphasia is a symptom of damage to the parts of the brain that control language. It can range from mild impairment to complete loss of language components.

Johnjacobjingleheimer, did he do his own stunts?? 🤔

Janie, I loved Moonlighting!!! (Couldn’t stand his co-star … but he was hilarious! ♥️♥️♥️

Bruce Willis was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia also known as FTD

blah blah blah
I was given to understand Bruce Willis actually has Louie Body Dementia...

This answer is wrong, aphasia is not a disease in itself it’s a symptom from a brain injury or brain deterioration. Bruce Willis has dementia.

Caroline K

Wow - News to me. He has been such a huge actor in every role he’s played. And he’s played many a role, all types of characters in an array of movies. I’ve seen so many. I never had a clue that he had an illness but then, I, myself have serious medical issues but to look at me or converse with me- you wouldn’t have a clue neither. Goes to show that you never know what people are going through, living, dealing with or hiding. I’m glad that his medical problems were held at bay & not a circulation of rumors or speculation. More weird than impressive to me tho, that this question couldn’t be held back, especially if Gigi is correct about this has only gone public a week or so ago.

Curmudgeon, it's typical

I loved him in Gigli the best I think. And he fell in love with my favorite actress, Meg Ryan, during the shooting of this movie.

He is diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia so I got that wrong!!

Sweet Jennie
Green Machine, yeah, he has a real cool jazzy type voice and feel.

Gigi, yes, that was fast,,he is a great actor , I’m sorry about him being sick, praying for him and his family,

Dementia is correct

Si the oatcake guy
Been a fan since Moonlighting. All time favourite for me is the Original Die Hard. All the very best Bruce.

isnt it dementia..i just read it online...

Zappo, Yes so sad!

So terribly sad a very good actor in his time.

J Bradly
Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…

I saw a recently released movie staring Brice Willis a month ago. He did almost no talking during the movie. Now I realise why.

ViViy Vie Vie Vou
My dad is midway through the horrible progression of Alzheimer’s. What he struggles with most these last few years is worsening Aphasia.
When Bruce’s condition was announced, it was the first time I’d heard of aphasia. About a month later, we were told that dad‘s problem with finding his words, was aphasia. Because of the announcement about Bruce, I now knew what aphasia was.

This is really interesting. I did not know that he sang. There are so many actors who also sing. I think he is also a good man from different things that I’ve read about him. I had aphasia after a stroke. My God better and only bothers me on occasion. I believe I have read that he has a neurological condition that causes it. Which also makes it harder for him to speak if he would be acting if he has difficulty pulling up words. But he should be able to stand what others are saying. I don’t think they have yet released the cause of his aphasia but I’m wondering if it’s a tumor

ang, I’m wondering if he suffered a head injury from one of his action pack movies? He did a lot of fighting and jumping, but who knows. It’s really sad that his career is over.

Green Machine, big time blues singer. YouTube "Bruce Willis blues music"