Healthy lungs are which colour?
Correct answer: Pink
So glad I quit smoking many years ago!
Our Government realize that smoking is a hugh cash cow ( taxes ).so the best we do is to out pic and warning sign on the boxes .
TwoTin16, Stopping smoking is the #1 thing you can do for your health! I wish my sister had stopped before it killed her.
Tremain White, But vaping gives you popcorn lung, which is irreversible, if you quit cigarettes yourlungs will heal themselves over time
Imhvnfn, my great aunt Ruth lived to be 98; she quit smoking at 97 so that caretakers wouldn’t be bothered by taking her outside! She was always called a “Pistol.”
I quit 15 years ago and it still amazes me how few colds/respiratory illnesses I get in comparison to when I did smoke. Best thing I ever did for my health.
smartest thing I ever did was quit smoking over 40 years ago....cold turkey is really the only way if you REALLY want to stop!
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Di, With the current air quality in places around the world, simply breathing in the air is worse than smoking!