The mining of which chemical has destroyed the landscape of Nauru?
Correct answer: Phosphates

why does this not surprise me , man's greed ruining our planet.

Seems that mankind won't be happy until this beautiful planet has been destroyed.

its the rich that destroy our earth. and yet its the poor that everyone hates.

Why weren’t they made to reconstruct the island after they left. Or put some kind of clean up operation in place?? They must’ve made billions!

What is it with humans? We don’t respect nature and we don’t respect one another . We take what we want without considering the long-term impact. My kids have said before that people were God’s biggest mistake. I tend to agree.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #25999791, the metals listed are all chemical elements. The word "chemical" could generally be applied to all matter other than subatomic particles.

Annie, "these people" are human beings like me and you. Show some compassion.

luckycatfay, going from 6 billion humans to 8 billion humans in less than 20 years is impossible to do without taking a tremendous toll on this planet...the birthrate and life extending medical developments are something to ponder

sudais khan
LightningFast, salam sister I love you

Player #120374466
Don't worry, God won't allow his earth to be ruined indefinitely. " the appointed time came...and to bring ruin to those ruining the earth." Revelaton 11:18

Player #120374466
luckycatfay, Yes, at the Australian governments blessings and other nations that used this mineral.

sandals ☢️⚠️
why don't humans stop harming the planet, all they want is money, no offence but it's important to think twice about every action we make

Jacqui, why would they plus nauru is the most what u say like obese country because they can't cultivate anything and they have to depend upon packed food which is very harmful if eaten on daily basis

go on level 25 in 24 hrs only. ok?

GMG, being poor in a nurturing environment bonds people and builds character especially work ethic. What's not to love? Self made, determined people can become rich and have positive impact. Progress would not occur without mistakes. We should learn from them and improve the world instead of leaving destruction.

At one point in the 80s, Nauru had one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world. Nauru is also the smallest island nation in the world, and the only one without a proper capital city...a sad story and a cautionary tale for nations depending on a single, perishable resource for their wealth...

…and life goes on…

satnam Sri waheguru ji
just because of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji we are allowed to be in different different religions other wise there will be only one religion of mugal sarkar proud to be sikh

Phew! I was just about to tap the tin😓

GMG, that’s a generalisation. I don’t hate the poor.

I hadn't heard of this before. just aweful

WHAT Are you're up to 🧐😏

Know More!
• Phosphates are the workhorses that build molecules like DNA, transfer energy and transport molecules in and out of cells, and activate and inactivate proteins.

Player #31753367
GraceSpace, And the Question was ..? Sadly a Very difficult Global Issue / Question at Your Borders : Illegal imigrant because is being in fear of what He /She has done ?
Have travelled because of fear of Life because of Race / Religion/ or sex ?
Have been promised a wonderful Future by Vile Trafficking??

Player #31753367
Taiwan , Happiness for you in 2023 . Surprised as to your comment ¿ Yet again Global Resources being gathered for the Wealth of Some

Nauru has the most obese people in the world, over 90 percent of its population is obese, more than the United States itself

Littlebit, u vegan?

We export so much food from NZ to Nauru, even eggs.

Player #25999791, a chemical is something that is involved in a chemical reaction (self reference unavoidable) elements/metals can be chemicals.

shame on Australian GovernmentS that held Refugees, Illegally, seeking safety and a new live! MOST Australians feel this way yet also disempowered to Change It ..... yes Horrific what Humanity does to itself

luckycatfay, yes I know exactly what you mean!! our greed has done a lot to this land on which we live! not all of it good either?!