Who is depicted in the picture?
Correct answer: Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Player #53553731, if that is true, how come many Christians still suffer from hunger whilst the Christian Church protestant and Catholic have so much money?

Player #25874027
He was shot by the police in Bolivia I think

Ignis Consurgens, You know nothing of him. He could of been a rich doctor. Cuba was a mess and was oppressed by a crooked dictator. To this day Cuba has one of the best health care.

Does anyone else in the UK remember the programme Citizen Smith from the 1970s in which Robert Lindsay played a character in the same style as Che ?

Ignis Consurgens, as do many other notablees

Lorraine , player#53353731 stated they have a duty not they follow or take on the duty...

Player #77202440
why do I keep getting the same question over and over?

Every time I hear of some one dying young I m curious about how they died