What distinction does Major League Baseball pitcher Ken Johnson hold?
Correct answer: He pitched a complete 9-inning no-hit game - and lost the game

Are we to assume how he got to first base 🤔

Maddog, it seems likely that the throwing error was made trying to get Rose out at first base, then he was able to make it to second base while the ball was out of control.

I was 5 years old when that happened. Pete Rose was family friend. Lived just up the road. He used to skip school with my uncles to play ball. He should be in Hall of Fame. He may have gambled but he wouldn't have thrown a game ever.

Maddog, Pete bunted and Ken made a fielding error, wildly overthrowing 1st. Bunt + error = no credit for a hit

Maddog, pitching error?

baseball not my game. Did not understand a word. Guessed right. Go cricket 🏏

Roadrunner , I agree.