Which war happened from 1955 to 1975?
Correct answer: Vietnam War

In Viet Nam this war is called American war.
It was biggest failure for USA during Cold war. As Rey said above, USA shouldn't have entered in the first place. Reunification of Viet Nam was unavailable.

It started with the French colonisation of Vietnam. In world war 2 the Japanese were the invaders. The Vietnamese were the west's allies and they asked the Americans for help to get rid of the French but since the French were bigger allies to the yanks, they got the support. So Ho Chi Min asked the communists for help and got it. So the yanks had an opportunity but stuffed it up.

proud to be a Vietnamese ❤️

If you should ask most Americans to show you where Vietnam is on my map it would be a challenge.
The Great Mohammed Ali, refuse to go over there and kill for his Country or get killed ,We live to see that his decision was correct. Yes it cost him a few years in Jail and taken away of this Heavyweight belts .

Byrde Alpha Bitch
The US was not the only country to try to aid the South Vietnamese in that war. We are not perfect, and maybe we should not have been there, but we fought for what we thought was right. I would rather fight for what I believe is right, than to sit by and allow atrocities to spread like wildlife unchecked; but thats me & my opinion. For those of you who condemn the US & the other brave countries actions for being involved; when the Communism giants come to take over your country, your government & your home; do not ask us or anyone else for help & see how that turns out.

Rey, also in parts of the U. S. A.