As of 2022 and according to the "Guinness World Records" what was the name of the oldest living cow?
Correct answer: Big Bertha
TwoTin16, the Irish whiskey probably helped preserve her youth.
TwoTin16, Not too many cows gain immortality.
wesley, Definetly the Whiskey helped!
TwoTin16, WOW! Did anyone mention this? But, what a about her giving milk?
Byrde Alpha Bitch
wesley, Preserve is definitely a key word in that oh so true statement!
not sure where I learned that from or if I'd just heard someone being called big Bertha before and clicked it lol
Player #120374466
GMG, Bertha was a cow and she lived long time. But how about an Angus cow?
will never know how long a chicken can live
a pig a cow and sheep
Player #84104477
Had no idea a cow had that longevity ! As a local " celebrity " she died " missing " Instagram and TikTok!
Explains the Big Bertha bus for Selena. Lol 😍