Which Scottish hero was portrayed by Mel Gibson in the 1995 film 'Braveheart'?
Correct answer: William Wallace

Mel Gibson is an Australian, I believe, not American.

Player #9926363
A very talented actor, love to watch him in this movie.

I love this movie!!! And I know it has many historical inaccuracies- but like most people- I know the difference between a documentary and a movie (for entertainment). Bravo, Gibson! 👍

When we were in Edinburgh, we took a bus tour. At one point, Wm Wallace & Mel's playing him was brought up. Our guide laughed heartily at this, "William Wallace's SWORD was bigger than Mel Gibson!" This has since become a family interjection, usually apropos of nothing. XD

AndyV5615, but he was born in the USA of Australian parents.

Chris, they meant 1305 I think

AndyV5615, no, born in USA but moved to Oz at age 12

I love this movie. Not much was based on fact but was very well done. Fun fact, the man that wrote Braveheart, Randall Wallace, was actually a descendant of the real William Wallace. I’ve been to Scotland several times and Stirling is a great place to visit if you want to see the Wallace Monument and his sword. The real Wallace was actually a very big man. His sword is proof of that.

In reality, William Wallace never met the English Queen, that was pure fiction for the movie

AndyV5615, he was born in USA, moved to Oz, then back to USA

One of my favorite movies

AndyV5615, He was born in Peekskill, NY He was 12 when his family moved to Australia.

AndyV5615, he was born in the United States (Peekskill, New York). Holds a dual citizenship-USA and Ireland. He is an Australian permanent resident, not a citizen, moved there when he was 12 years old.

AndyV5615, Mel Gibson was born in New York State, Peekskill, if I'm not mistaken

Mars V
AndyV5615, I think he’s an American who grew up in Australia.

Chris, Typo should read 1305. 👅

Wallace well is in Glasgow my place of birth just saying.

Mel Gibson might have dual citizenship. He was born in New York, but moved back to Australia where his parents were from when he was 12.

Mel Gibson is an Australian actor !!!!

Player #25874027
Now he knows when he will be executed he can take steps to avoid it