Which birds fly in V formation?
Correct answer: Cranes and geese

I grew up in Michigan and always saw Canadian Geese flying in the V formation. Always a beautiful sight.

Venia Of Westowne
Also ducks

We see wonderful skeins of geese flying across East Anglia, UK, during late Autumn and early Winter. Sometimes there are fifty or more birds flying together.

Geese flying are a skein, on the ground they're a gaggle. Anyone know why?

I have seen birds in this V formation but I did not know about all of the reasons behind it, Thank you for the information.

Nerak 7
Interesting information . All I knew was if the birds flew in a V formation it was a sign of good luck.. who knows

there's quite a number of bird species around the world that fly in a V formation

I remember the flying 🦆