Which band acquired the nickname "the Fab Four"?
Correct answer: The Beatles

photo obviously pre Ringo Starr!

Anna J
I loved the Beatles! I was in high school when they were on Ed Sullivan!!

The Beatles was and still is the best group in music history.

the Beatles were the best group Ever John & George will always be missed they will forever be in our hearts thoughts and prayers rest in peace John & George gone but not forgotten

Player #49029942
I Love the Beatles.

TJ SISTA, the picture says so!

Greygranite, no it is Jimmy Nichol who replaced Ringo when he was in hospital in 1964 and toured with them in May to July

Player #60010068
I believe the one on th far right was the first drummer.

Player Say what!?
Greygranite, I just right now saw a documentary that featured this unknown "Beatle" and had to comeback here to clarify. His name is Jimmie Nicol and he filled in while Ringo was recovering from a tonsillectomy. He felt he was a better drummer and they would keep him on instead of Ringo. Poor guy.

Player #22506154
sjohnson, Peter Best was fired and I believe he is still alive.

Player #22506154
Player Say what!?, Stuart Sutcliffe left the Beatles before he died.

Player #25874027
No he didn’t die , he was just replaced

Player #25874027
It’s Pete Best, the original drummer

RSVP78, Very interesting information. They were magical but I am sure their road wasn't always smooth. Play any of their songs and I am surrounded by wonderful memories.

The picture says so!

Player Say what!?
Coincidentally, today is Paul's 80th birthday! Still going strong and performed in front of 60,000 celebrants with Bruce Springsteen.

Player Say what!?
The unknown pictured Beatle is Pete Best who was replaced by Ringo, a much better drummer. Stu Sutcliffe was the original bass player who was replaced by Paul after his death from an brain aneurism in '62. John named the band in homage to his idol, Buddy Holly and the CRICKETS.

Greygranite, yeah wierd whats that all about.

RF10, Nice

Bondo, You’re right it’s not. That guy’s kind of creepy looking.

Player i really like the beatles like penny lane,yellow submarine,hello good bye.