In which sport do the Pittsburgh Steelers compete?
Correct answer: American football

Player Don1
My home town football team!

Let's name some greats -Big Ben - Troy - The Bus : so many gone and hopefully not forgotten ! Miss them and more . . . team not the same or as good ! BUMMER

I’m a Seahawks f

Mel, Terry Bradshaw was great. The first game I ever watched was the Steelers with Terry as the quarterback. And they won, of course. Been hooked ever since.

Been a Steelers fan since the days of Bradshaw. Go Steelers!

football is my favorite 😍 ❤

my hometown football team! did you know they are one of two teams that don't have cheerleaders?

It’s The Dragon
Thanks to all of the boys in my 6th grade class for beating it into my brain…

Thanks for the picture for helping