Elizabeth Taylor almost died while making which of these films?
Correct answer: Cleopatra

still she went onto live till she was 79, so quite a good age!

baymax,.... And got married several times, including a couple of times to the Wonderful, Richard Burton....

Player Say what!?
I remember seeing her picture on the cover of Life Magazine in the late 60's. I was mesmerized by her intense and perfect beauty. And to make her even more perfect, she had no ego. One of her 8 marriages was to a heavy equipment operator. Lasted 5 years!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Patti, Miz Liz did not have the best luck with her health. She suffered from Skin Cancer Scoliosis, a Brain Tumor, Congestive Heart Failure, etc., plus many illnesses & injuries.

PC, violet eyes

She suffered from a condition in which she had 2 rows of eyelashes and apparently it was very painful … look it up!

Patti, she also suffered from beauty. I had heard about the eyelashes - many would wish for that !

Jenna, it means she had it in both lungs.

I pity her she's been through so many difficulties in her life...

Patti, made her look good though lol

Elizabeth Taylor gave us her beauty and her talent. I love every movie she was in, I'm grateful to her for being the star she was.

I think you meant "tetherhooks".

Player #120271469
Jenna, bc you have 2 lungs duh

Carla, hooks to fasten cloth to a drying rack

SOS, it means in both lungs my sister had it

Gunnar Gunderson, but what are tenterhooks?

I wonder why it was ever called "double pneumonia".

Gunnar Gunderson
Player Say what!?, it is not tender hooks, it's tenterhooks.

Player Say what!?
Destinys little red bike, I thought the word was ten-D-erhooks. Now I have to look it up.

Is my brain beginning to lose its edge or are the questions beginning to get more obscure?