In India, who or what are the Aghori?
Correct answer: An ascetic cult that worships Bhairava

Terry B
Terry B that is one sad religious practice

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Every Religion/ Mythology/ Faith/ Belief/ Spiritually/ etc., (pick a term you prefer, they are all interchangeable), at one time in its own evolution was considered a "cult"; if you really open your mind & think about it before snapping to judgement & defense. Simply another interchangeable word to add to the list

Sage Anshu
Aghoris do not have sex in the cemetery. Please correct yourself and don't post things you do not know.
There are lot of genuine documentaries on YouTube. Watch these to know more.

Flutterby, What does the Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitative Centers (SARC) have to do with your comment? ( Note, this is a real organization)

These questions are ridiculous tonight! And I don’t think they fit the “Easy” category! 😡