What is considered the Christmas tree of New Zealand?
Correct answer: Pohutukawa

Anna J
When I lived and taught in NZ for 1 year I saw those beautiful trees!

Player #Meg
Looks like a bottle brush tree. I have one in my garden in the UK.

Player #25874027
I collect Souvenirs from New Zealand called Sovereign Ware . They are green ( small wooden object) and each piece is made up of many small pieces glued up and then shaped into boxes and bowls and cruets and egg cups etc . Every piece has a stamp or label on the bottom listing all the Māori names for the woods in order .

Their common name is bottle brush but NZ has gone back to using indigenous naming of many places and things.

Akamai 👑 Haulana
RushMama2112, Yes! In Hawai'i they are called 'Ohi'a Lehua. The most prominent color is red, we also have yellow, pink & orange.
Kia ora, Aotearoa!

Yes #Meg I too had bottle brush in my old garden in California. they're beautiful

MissPriss, not always,miss.

Has anyone else noticed that the longest answer is the correct one?

Player #Meg, may look similar but it's a different species 😉

Player #Meg, it's definitely not the same tree. Both are beautiful though.

Mars V
It’s so often the longest answer!👍

Qowlan Tsakila
here in Indonesia. Those flowers also growing 🇮🇩

Player #25874027
That should read “treen”

RushMama2112, because the ancestors are related to Hawaiian tree

Looks like it's in the same family as the Hawaiian 'ohia tree.