What does the word canola stand for?
Correct answer: Canada Oil Low Acid

Lots of canola fields around where I live. When the canola is in flower, the fields are a beautiful brilliant yellow. ❤

Never knew this and used it for years. Always wondered what a “canola” was.

Stefan, "created a new oil looks amazing" made me laugh out loud

Player #28422752, I never fry and only use olive oil at home.

Cat Cha
sounds better than rapeseed

HRH, me too!

Never knew that rapeseed and canola seed are same. Fields of rapeseed are quite common in UK.

Julie, your friend is right

joymarch016, in Europe could be banned, but in Canada you’ll find it in any grocery store.

Michele, Rapeseed is one of the most polluted crops.

Player #120374466, California, the land of fruits and nuts. 🙄

Ann Martha
how would a UK resident know that

Player #120374466
Player #89867741, Look at the ingredients on salad dressing labels or commercially baked goods. You see it along with soy oils

Player #120374466
R - Send and R - Sup, I didn't know it was a biofuel for diesel engines until now. Better than a petroleum source.

Player #120374466
Michele, I try to avoid canola here in the US. I use mainly extra-virgin olive oil from California, and coconut oil or butter.

joymarch016, that’s crazy that it’s considered poison in CANADA but totally fine in the US.

Player #118283094
I’m surprised olive oil doesn’t appear in the ranking. It’s used extensively throughout Southern Europe

Canola oil is considered poison in Europe and Canada and cannot be sold legally there as a food product.

I have a friend who says it’s terrible for you. I do use it; I could taste the difference when frying foods.

R - Send and R - Sup
stick 5 litres in the tank next time you fuel up your diesel. saves a few bucks and you get that fresh fried smell on the trip

Papa Zёba, Henry & Luka
canola fields all around my town. and today I learned why it's named so!

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Ontario is starting to grow it too. The fields look fabulous when in bloom.

Player #89867741
we have never used it before

Jordan Donian Fernandes
Yeah, we use canola oil for frying our food.

Who knew ?😳