In 2010, a British businessman Jimi Heselden died losing control of what?
Correct answer: Segway

The fall didn’t kill him; it was the sudden stop at the bottom that did him in.

It would be nice if all of those who commented would have taken a moment to reflect that this man was someone's beloved family member, friend, colleague, neighbor, community member. Everyone's callousness and perceived humor in this man's demise is sickening.

Jimi's development of those barrier systems has saved countless number of lives. They're basically a collapsible wire mesh container lined with a heavy duty fabric . They are unfolded and then typically filled with dirt or sand. They are inexpensive to build, easy to ship, and quick to set up. They've been used in multiple Wars including Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kosovo to protect areas, civilians and militants. They've also been used in many areas to manage flooding, thereby preventing damage and saving lives. They are very effective during the most devastating hurricane in the United States history, Katrina. The product made him one of the richest men in England. I have read that he was also a great philanthropist.
Reading about his death, I had wondered why he didn't just jump off the Segway before he went off the cliff. There was an eyewitness who reported that he was out walking his dog and went backwards to yield to a fellow pedestrian, so potentially didn't even know how close he was to edge. I've never ridden one, but I don't imagine I would be able to do any better. At 53 years old, I could embarrass myself on a skateboard. It's quite sad because having lived longer, who knows if he had other great works from which we might all have benefited.

toe jam
do most people wear helmets while driving on them.

talk about a tragic irony

CatsMeow, agree 100%. Sickening. Shame.

Excuse me, I was born in July, so I was born two months before he died

No vehicle should be driven close to a cliff!

Beautiful Torture
I remember people talking about a guy who died from a Segway…the Segway didn’t kill him…falling off a cliff and the subsequent impact did!!!

so..firstly I had to Google what a Segway personal transporter was..hilarious... a little 2 wheeled scooter like thing!!!! who on earth rides one of those on a cliff??? obviously... this guy... hilarious... he obviously had a death wish... sorry folks... i can't feel sorry for him!!

Segways are fun to ride/drive, though.

Player #27258542, it's a security device