What does the Latin word "ergo" mean?
Correct answer: Therefore

Cogito ergo sum: I think, therefore I am.

Ali *Regulus* Mirza
Deb, Please, let's be mindful that among Quizzland users, possibly many are still in their early teens, and the fact that these promising young people have this much information, should be something to be praised and encouraged. Thank you.

Deborah , thank you for reminding me of that phrase in Latin. My 2 best and favorite subjects were 1) French and 2) Latin in high school! It was fun to see that and even SAY that again after so many decades( I am 68 now). Take care!🙂

I can thank all the Sherlock Holmes movies for this right answer. hahahah

Deb, one day when he was in the bar and had a beer the bartender asked if he would like another one. he said, "I think not" and poof he was gone.

Deborah, exactly

Darth Ra
I’m a lawyer. I have never seen, heard, or used the term “ergo.”

Deb, cogito ergo a sum cogito. I think therefore I am. I think

kelo wren, not too many people can quote Rene Descartes, BRAVO 👌