Which is the largest continent?
Correct answer: Asia

Wish there was a way we could block negative, racist, ugly types (not physically ugly) from such a fun, learning forum!!!

So easy question! 🙌🏻

Little Saint, so is Egypt. Africa used to be connected to Asia before the construction of the Suez canal.
I'm bit sure about the merit if this but my teacher once told me that the whole world used to be one land mass and that America is moving away from us a little every year because of a shift in plates

Only if you have some geography knowledge! 😉

Guitarfan 5
Player #3532789, there is a reason. Usually it has to do with how much time you take to answer, using hints, or wrong answers. All of these take coins away.

Mars V
Syn, wish there WERE…

Player #126619902
Player #36215423, the continent is called Oceania,Australia part of Oceania

Player #3532789, Sometimes if you don't record your answer in a few seconds you lose coins plus it counts you wrong!

Just so you want to know there are 7 continents Asia,Africa,Australia,antartica,South America,North America and Europe
Eurasia is just a term given to europe and Asia as they are together
so you are wrong

Ms. June
Debatable, Africa is the largest....

Ginamos, same here ✌🏻🙃

MeulemansF, Egypt is north Africa, so it is part of Africa

I'm with Stefan, I love this game!

Shariff, Also, the plates that the teacher spoke of are called tectonic plates.

Shariff, Just an FYI: Your teacher was correct when he/she told you that the land masses that we have today we're at one time all connected. That one land mass was called Pangaea.

Player #42193730, Eurasia is middle part between Europe and Asia hence Eurasia is not a continent .

Saanvika Tiwari
My favourite subject is geography that's why I got it correct

Parts of the world and Continents are 2 different things. Europe and Asia are parts of the world, Eurasia is a continent. That's how it's always been in terms of modern geographical classification.

Player #36215423
Little Saint, Australia a continent which is also a country in its own right.

Player #3532789, The same thing happened to a substantial amount of my coins recently. Most annoying.

Syn, Happy

Player #42193730
Shouldn’t it be Eurasia?

Player #3532789, Maybe you were hacked by some players

Little Saint, Russia is also split between Europe and Asia. Egypt is split between Africa and Asia. And it is hard to define where the border is between North and South America, if you consider those separate continents anyway.

Poopyty scoopyty
I swear I thought Africa was bigger like in the mao

It would be the easiest questions I guess 😂

Afro-Eurasia :P

Brittana S. Lopez-Pierce
wait I remember learning in geography and TOK that Africa is the largest continent, just often in maps drew smaller than it truly is!?

Player #10380280
Player #3532789, watch out for the little leprechauns, to be sure ,to be sure,to be sure

Guitarfan 5, and lives

Guitarfan 5, in that case I'm going to go bust...this game has forced me to use hints on almost every question!

Player #3532789
Help! I am playing the game, getting the answers right, praised by the game computer, yet they are STEALING my coins!! What is that about? I noticed it before, but I thought that I was crazy! But it has just taken over 90 gold coins from me for no reason!!!!!!!