Which medical condition is treated using the Ball Method?
Correct answer: Hansen's Disease, or Leprosy

How many people did this woman save from a miserable existence!

TaeGuk Kweenie
What an interesting person!! She needs to get better known.

And she accomplished all of this by the age of 24?

And if my math is correct, she died at age 24 just think what she could’ve done if she just lived!

Many scientists have died young to allow others to reap the benefits of their discoveries . Where would we be without them ?

Smart Kitten
What a wonderful woman. So sad that still today we have so little information about those fascinating women.

Aloysious, a whole lot. I would imagine

Best birthday present! Knowledge and information

Maman Moustique
In 2019, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine added Alice Ball's name to the frieze atop its main building, along with Florence Nightingale and Marie Curie, in recognition of their contributions to science and global health research.

Why would she have been exposed to chlorine?

Player #117697646
l like this game but give some easy

glad they acknowledged she for her hard work instead of Hanson and also that she was an African American. Sorry she died so young...she may have discovered the cure for cancer..

glad they corrected history and acknowledged she was black

mezo, Alice Ball died before she could publish her work then two men did steal her work and didn’t give her any credit for her contributions, specifically Arthur Dean, who was president of the College of Hawaii, and Richard Wrenshall, a chemistry professor. They passed her work as their own.

hi friends I am so happy for this game

Maman Moustique, terrific !

Another woman who came to the rescue a

Player #120374466, Because being black in 1900’s was almost an impossible hurdle to overcome and worse for a woman. Mixed race children were not acceptable. Did you know married women could not have a credit card in their name until the mid 1970’s? Her accomplishments are extraordinary!

its hard than i expected😅

Player #130715560
Hansen disease

Akamai 👑 Haulana
Hansen's, among other foreign diseases devastated Kanaka, the native people of Hawai'i. A colony on Kalaupapa, Moloka'i segregated infected...

Woman on Fire
jay, Probably due to the process of isolation of the oil to create the cure.

awesome. I've never heard of her. but it's seems to be just one more person being eliminated from existence because of their successes in truly helping and healing the people.

Bigbrain49973, you are right

Ken, crippled by polio or dead from smallpox

You might need the ball method but Jesus works just as well!