As of February 2022, which of the following animals still resides at Number 10 Downing Street?
Correct answer: Larry the cat

This made me smile

I'll bet Larry's favourite part of the job is inspecting the antique furniture for napping qualities.

The only useful one in No 10!!!

Smart Kitten
It’s must be heartbreak to Larry as he couldn’t have his paw with him.😢

It's called a "media plan" Larry is 18 years old (2025)
They say that he's passed the usual life span of a tabby cat, but I had a tabby cat who lived until she was 20, 1982 -2002

Larry is a cult figure in the UK. I believe that an Operational Strategy has already been named in event of his passing away, but can't remember what it's called!

He even pulls his own weight! He should be salaried!

El Paz
I can't wait for the animated movie or TV show to be made about this cat,,,, 😹😺😹😸

A far cry from Wilberforce the cat